Dana White (jokingly?) walks off Howie Mandel’s Podcast

Dana White has never had a problem speaking his mind. Even so, many were shocked by the most recent example of this fact. On Episode 164 of the Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast, White left his host at a loss for words after storming out of the room following a Dana White classic:

“Thank you for all the kind words… I appreciate it. I am so f*cking tired of doing podcasts. I’m literally done with them. I’m not doing any more podcasts.”


White look visibly irritated prior to dropping this truth bomb, but he delivered the line while smiling. Howie seemed to roll with the punches, though, continuing with the episode for over an hour with his co-host, Jackelyn Shultz, and guest, Ginger Billy – an odd guest to bring on alongside White. Many have speculated that this move was part of a bit, while others who share White’s sentiment took to twitter to support the fight game president.

What do you think? Was this a bit, or was there something that occurred behind the scenes to motivate Dana’s actions?

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